Wylie East FFA
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Official Dress

Official Dress for Female Members*

  • Black skirt or black dress slacks (No jeans, leather, pleather, etc.)
  • White collared blouse
  • Official FFA blue scarf
  • Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe (No sandals, tennis shoes, etc. Shoes may not have sequins, sparkles, or any other accessories. Black dress boots may be worn with slacks only)
  • Black nylon hosiery with skirts or black socks with slacks
  • An official FFA jacket zipped to the top
    * Official garb of recognized religions may be worn with OD

FFA Uniform - Hilmar FFA

Official Dress for Male Members*

  • Black dress slacks (No jeans, leather, pleather, etc)
  • White dress shirt
  • Official FFA necktie  
  • Black dress shoes with closed heel and toe (Dress boots are acceptable)
  • Black socks
  • An official FFA jacket zipped to the top. The collar should be turned down, and the cuffs buttoned
    * Official garb of recognized religions may be worn with Official Dress

FFA Uniform - Hilmar FFA

How to Order Official Dress


Spring Branch - Official Dress


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